Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pet Grooming Tips A-Z Best Methods For Pet Care

Trimming of Nails
Nails of all the pets should be regularly trimmed and especially of cats as they have a scratching habit. When trimming the nails, be careful not to cut them too short and cause bleeding. Cut the nails until you see a dark circle appearing in the center of the nail. This is the edge of the quick or blood vessel in the nail bed.

Prior to bathing and clipping, the pets need to be brushed out to make sure there are no knots in the furnishings. Knots are big problem in cats and dogs and more so in longhaired cats. Brush the beard, legs and underskirt to make sure there are no knots using the Pin Brush. Brush upward (against the natural lay of the hair) starting at the top of the leg and proceed downward as you are brushing.

Pets need to be bathed from time to time. But frequency of bathing of each pet varies. For example, cats need to be bathed not more than once a month. While bathing make sure that the temperature of the water is not too hot. Be careful not to get water and shampoo in the ears, eyes and mouth when bathing the pet. Put cotton balls in the pet's ears to help prevent water from getting in the ear canal.

While towel drying the legs and beard, don't rub but squeeze out the excess water to help prevent tangling the furnishings. You can also use a drier. Brush the beard and eyebrows down. Brush the legs up, starting with the pin brush and moving to the slicker brush when the leg is almost dry. Slicker brushes tend to rip out hair when used on a wet leg.

Some important things to remember while grooming your pet:
  • Never punish the pet for not responding to the grooming schedule. Animals like to be left alone and are not very comfortable when someone touches them. Hence, in the beginning they don't respond positively to the grooming routine.
  • Never let your pet mistake grooming tools as toys. Don't let it play with brush or clippers because otherwise pet will start treating grooming session as play time.
  • Never hit your pet with a grooming tool else pet will start associating grooming tool with punishment and will try to avoid grooming session.
  • Start grooming from an early age. That way pet will get use to grooming easily.

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats, birds, horses and in pets of all kinds Remedies ear problems in dogs ears and other furry friends once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy. Get fast relief today from http://drdogs247.com

Pet Health Problems

A healthy pet makes a good companion. But you really need to take good care of your pet to keep it in good condition. In spite of all your efforts, the pet may fall ill. It may contact a deadly disease. The key to a healthy pet lies in taking all the precautions so that it does not fall ill and more importantly recognizing the symptoms of diseases, which if left ignored may turn out to be fatal.

Some of the symptoms that indicate an onslaught of a deadly disease are:
  • Abnormal discharges from the nose, eyes, or other body openings.
  • Loss of appetite, marked weight losses or gains, or excessive water consumption.
  • Difficult, abnormal, or uncontrolled waste elimination.
  • Abnormal behavior, sudden viciousness, or lethargy.
  • Abnormal lumps, limping, or difficulty getting up or lying down.
  • Excessive head shaking, scratching, and licking or biting any part of the body.
  • Dandruff, loss of hair, open sores, and a ragged or dull coat. Foul breath or excessive tarter deposits on teeth.
Cancer is very common in pets and accounts for almost half of the deaths of pets over 10 years of age. The cause of most of the cancers is not known and hence its prevention is difficult. Breast cancer can be prevented with early spaying.

Symptoms of Cancer in Pets
  • Abnormal swellings that persist or continue to grow
  • Sores that do not heal
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bleeding or discharge from any body opening
  • Offensive odor
  • Difficulty eating or swallowing
  • Hesitance to exercise or loss of stamina
  • Persistent lameness or stiffness
  • Difficulty breathing, urinating, or defecating
  • An early detection of cancer is paramount in its treatment.
Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. The virus is usually transmitted by a bite from a rabid animal. Only mammals get rabies. Birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians do not. Prompt and appropriate treatment, after being bitten and before the disease develops, can stop the infection and prevent the disease in people.

Prevention/Treatment of Rabies
  • Get your pet vaccinated against all the deadly diseases including rabies.
  • Don't let your pets roam freely. Keep them indoors.
  • If a pet has been bitten by another animal contact a veterinarian immediately.
  • If pets that have been vaccinated against rabies are bitten by another animal, they should be revaccinated immediately, kept under the owner's control, and observed for period of 45 days.
  • If unvaccinated pets are bitten, the pet may have to be euthanized immediately. Alternatively, the animal should be checked and immediately placed in strict isolation for 6 months and vaccinated 1 month before being released.
Ear mites
They are common in dogs and cats. These mites spend most of their life in the ears. Often an animal can be severely infested with the pests before there is any outward sign of their presence. If ignored it is followed by a bacterial infection that can spread deep into the ear and eventually penetrate the brain causing convulsions and death.

For prevention, get your pet's ears regularly examined by a veterinarian. Get rid of ear mites naturally with over the counter medications. Choose natural remedies when possible and avoid harmful side-effects from chemicals and pesticides.

Get your pet spayed or neutered. Spaying your female pet (cat or dog) can help to prevent cancers of the reproductive tract, including breast cancer, and will decrease the incidence of reproductive infections. Neutering your male pet will prevent testicular cancer and can decrease the incidence of prostate problems. Certain behavioral problems are also reduced when the pets are spayed or neutered.

Dental Care
Pets need good oral care. Remove plaque regularly from your pet's teeth as part of the dental care routine. Regular dental checkups by an experienced veterinarian are also essential. Bad breath could be a sign of impending dental disease such as gingivitis. Dog breeds, such as Pekingese and Shihtzu are more prone to dental diseases because their teeth are crowded into small mouths and this creates a haven for plaque buildup. Some signs of a tooth decay are: bad breath, a yellow brown crust of tartar around the gumline, pain or bleeding from the gums.

Like us pets can be prevented from diseases by vaccination. They should be vaccinated to protect them from many highly contagious and deadly diseases

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats, horses, birds and in pets of all kinds. Remedies ear problems in dogs ears once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy to control ear infections or get rid of ear mites in pets. Get fast relief today from http://drdogs247.com

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pet Care Tips For Best Pet Health and Well Being

Once you have a pet you need to take full care of it. Such care is very essential for pet's well being and your own peace of mind.
  • Pet's diet is very important. It should contain all the necessary ingredients required by the pet. Some pets such as cats are carnivorous and hence they require some animal-source ingredients, such as meat, poultry, or fish, in their diets.
  • Keep aside some time every day for your pet. Your pet requires your attention and affection and this is very essential for between you and the pet.
  • Supervise the new pet diligently through undivided individual attention
  • and training, and restrict the pet's access to a limited area of the house
  • until training is complete.
  • A pet is an animal. It has to be trained for the desired behavior. Training requires constant and persistent effort on your part.
  • Promote good sanitation behavior in pets. Keep the area where they litter clean.
  • Get your pet vaccinated against the deadly diseases. Also regularly get it examined by a veterinarian to ensure his good health.
  • Never punish a pet if it indulges in bad behavior. This may lead to fear biting or aggression. Instead, correct bad behavior by providing positive alternatives such as scratching post for sofa in case of cat.
  • It is advisable to have the pet spayed or neutered. It helps in control of unwanted off springs and minimizes the risk of behavioral and health problems associated with sexually intact animals.
  • If in an emergency situation you have to give first aid to the pet take care to protect yourself. A sick or injured animal is often in a frightened state and may attack you. Cats can be handled with gloves or wrapped in a blanket; a dog can be muzzled.
  • Pets can get poisoned. Poisoning maybe due to snake bite, a poisonous plant, pesticides, fertilizers, acids, paints etc. In case of poisoning - Keep the pet warm and quiet; Determine what the poison was, when it was ingested and the amount swallowed; Take the pet immediately to a veterinarian.
  • Keep dangerous objects like pins, needles, blades, fish-hooks etc out of the reach of the pets.
  • Be well aware of your pet's normal behavior, so that you can recognize what's not normal.

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats, horses, birds and in pets of all kinds Remedies ear problems in dogs ears or other furry friends once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy. Get fast relief for your dogs ears today from http://drdogs247.com