Monday, August 8, 2011

Natural Veterinary Ear Medicine For Animals

When an animal is having ear problems you need an effective solution.
Dogs, cats, horses, birds, cows and pretty much every other animals suffer from ear problems at one time or another. Some have recurring or chronic ear problems, especially dogs.

Here's the remedy to control ear problems in animals.... natural ear drops
control recurring ear infections
soothe and relieve ear symptoms, red ears, tender & sore
resolve fluid ear, sticky substance in the ears or smelly ears
get rid of ear mites if present

If you've been visiting the veterinary clinic because of recurring ear infections you need to try this.
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Friday, July 29, 2011

Ear Problems in Dogs - Common Dog Ear Disorders

Does your dog sit and shake his head for no apparent reason?
If so, there is a good chance that he is having some sort of ear problem, but to know how to give your pet relief, you need to know the cause of the problem, then you can get the right dog ear treatment.
Dog ear problems can be caused by many different things, here are the most common dog ear disorders and the ear symptoms for which you can usually notice.
The most common signs of ear problems in dogs are head shaking, constant scratching at the ears, redness that you can see on some portion of the ear, odor or discharge coming from the ears.

Your dog can have ear problems that originate on the pinnae, the outer ear that you can see, or the external, middle, or inner ear canals.

Here are the main causes of outer and inner ear problems of dogs.
The outer ear of a dog is referred to as the Pinna.
Diseases that affect only the pinnae are:
Neoplasia - the process of abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells.
Eosinophilic panniculitis - a diseases that involves the inflammation of subcutaneous fatty and muscle tissue.
Breed-related dermatoses - diseases that are specific to each breed
Scabies mange - disease caused by sarcoptic mites. This can often appear to be an allergic reaction.
Demodectic mange - caused by demodex mites. Causes much less itching and self-mutilation than sarcoptic mites.
Fly bite dermatitis - biting flies attack the skin of the pinna or ear flap causing the dog to itch and scratch which results in bumps and scabs.
Ringworm - caused by a contagious fungal infection of the skin. It is not caused by a worm.
Diseases that involve the ear canals are often caused because of allergies that the dog has including food allergies. They can also be caused due to:
Ear mites - tiny, infectious organisms that resemble microscopic ticks. With the naked eye, these can barely be seen but appear as small white dots.
Foreign bodies - the most common foreign body that causes problems are barbed grass seeds. These cause irritation and make the dog extremely uncomfortable.
Mass in the dog's ear - these can be benign or malignant masses. Many times deafness is the only sign that there is a mass in the dog's ear.
Skin disorders - inflammation due to allergies or hormonal imbalances.

Sometimes your dog will have ear canal problems because of predisposing factors such:
Stenotic ears - where the ear canal is particularly narrow or folded which is common in breeds like the Shar-peis.
Excessive Cerumenous glands - the function of these glands is to secrete earwax. They are located in the skin of the ear canals can also cause problems. Labrador Retrievers and some breeds of Spaniels generally have this problem and it leads to extra moisture in the ear canal which is the perfect environment for the growth of germs.
Other causes in ear canal problems could be excessive hair in the ear canal, swimming, damage to the canal due to epithelial migration, or contact sensitivity where they have a bad reaction to medication.
Whether your dog has outer, external, middle, or inner canal ear problems, being able to identify the cause is your first step toward wellness and relief for your dog

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats or horses. Find out more about this powerful all natural dog ear treatment. Get fast relief for your dogs ears today from

What ARE Ear Mites? Signs of Dog Ear Mite Infestation & How to Get Rid of Them

 Does your dog have ear mites

What Are The Signs Of
Dog Ear Mite Infestation?

As you can imagine, itchy inflamed ears can be very uncomfortable for your pet. If your dog shows any of these signs its time for an ear inspection:
  • Frequent head shaking
  • Persistent scratching around the ears
  • Rubbing the head and ears against objects
  • Ears are sensitive or hurt when touched
  • Dark brown to black debris in the ears
  • Foul smelling odor coming from the ears
 What Are  Dog Ear Mites?
Dog ear mites are tiny external parasites that can infest your pet’s ears and sometimes lead to dog ear infections.They cause pain and discomfort as they bite through a dog's skin to feed.

This usually causes an allergic reaction in most dogs. Dog allergies can be as severe as in humans but with dog, symptoms show more because of the scratching that that may result in other dog health problems.
And this allergic reaction often shows itself as an irritating inflammation that swells up the area around your dog's ears.
This itchy inflammation is what causes a dog to show very obvious signs of ear mite infestation.
This contagious condition should be treated as soon as possible.

Over the counter remedies for getting rid of ear mites are available, if there are multiple pets in the home they usually all need to have treatment. Take care with what you use to get rid of ear mites as not all dog ear mites treatments are safe to use in cats and in pets other than dogs.  If you have multiple animals you might like to treat the ear mites with a natural remedy safe for use in pets of all kinds, try Dr Dogs Ear Oil, safe for ALL the animals you have around.

Control and prevent ear mites in dogs, cats or horses. Get rid of ear mites in dogs ears once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy. Get fast relief for your dogs ears today from

Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Signs Your Dog is Sick

Signs and Symptoms that Your Dog May Be Ill

Dog Symptoms - Symptoms of Sickness in Dogs
There are a variety of signs and symptoms your dog may exhibit that indicate that he or she is not well. Because your dog cannot verbally tell you when she is not feeling well, it will communicate, either intentionally or unintentionally through some of the following signs and symptoms that it is sick.

Signs your dog may be sick: Behavioral Changes
If you notice behavioral changes in your dog watch your dog to see how pronounced behavioral changes become. If your dog is more lethargic than usual, laying around less playful than usual or unwilling to participate in regular games or play time this may be a sign that your dog is not feeling well. Your dog may even want to lie beside you for comfort or left alone altogether.
At the other extreme, if your dog exhibits unexplained aggressive behavior, have the veterinarian examine him immediately. He may have come into contact with rabies or have developed canine dementia. There are other diseases that can cause aggressive behavior, so do not hesitate to consult your vet if you see this symptom of illness in your dog.
Signs your dog may be sick: Blood in Stool or Urine
It almost seems too obvious to state, but if your dog has blood in her urine or stool it is important to have her checked by a vet. Blood in the urine may indicate a kidney infection, urinary tract infection, or even kidney stones.

Blood can be an alarming symptom, but don't become overly alarmed, most issues that cause bleeding in urine or stool can be treated easily. Sometimes blood in the stool is a sign of constipation.
Signs your dog may be sick: Diarrhea
Diarrhea can be a result of a change in food or your dog getting into something that he isn't supposed to eat. Diarrhea is difficult to deal with, but it becomes a concern when it persists for more than a couple of hours. A dog subject to constant diarrhea may easily become dehydrated setting off a plethora of health problems.
Signs your dog may be sick: Vomiting
Vomiting is generally a definite sign that your dog is sick. Like diarrhea, you may have to see if there is a reason before assuming your dog is sick. Did the dog get into human food they shouldn't have eaten? Did someone feed the dog a food not approved for her normal diet?
If you can find no reason for your dog to be vomiting see a vet immediately. It is possible for pieces of toys or small chunks of food to lodge in a dog's intestines effectively blocking them. In this case, the dog's food has nowhere to go but up.
If a dog has already become dehydrated you may notice she lurches forward as if she would vomit, but nothing comes out. This is just like having the "dry heaves." See a vet to find out what is wrong with your pet and help get your dog hydrated.
Signs your dog may be sick: Difficulty Breathing
Some breeds and individual dogs are more prone to breathing problems than others. The shape of the snout and nasal passage will affect how the dog sounds when she breathes. If you notice a sudden change in breathing, such as difficulty breathing, coughing, extremely shallow breathes, or breathing that seems too rapid even for a winded dog it is time to notify your veterinarian.
Coughing and hacking noises are often associated with inflammation of the bronchial tubes or lungs and can lead to serious complications if left untreated.
Sometimes your dog's breathing is affected by allergies. Never assume this is your dog's problem until your dog has been diagnosed with allergies. Sneezing may be a sign of allergies or a cold. Wheezing may or may not be a sign of allergies. Wheezing can indicate more serious respiratory conditions.
Signs your dog may be sick: Changes in Diet
When you have not changed dog food brands or your dog's feeding schedule but you notice a sudden decrease in appetite or aversion for food it may be a sign that your dog is sick.
The same is true for a decrease in water consumption.
Food and drink are your dog's energy sources, when he is not interested in eating or drinking fresh water it is generally a sign that the dog is not feeling well. You can watch this symptom for a day or so, but if your dog refuses to eat for two or more days or stops drinking water take him to the veterinarian.
Signs your dog may be sick: Swelling
Swelling of the stomach or abdomen, which seems to be more common in smaller breeds, may be an indication that there is a bowel obstruction or some other difficulty with an internal organ.
Often, if your dog is not acting well, and you suspect their abdomen or stomach is swollen you can simple apply light pressure to the stomach to find out if the dog experiences pain to the touch.
In either case, it is important that a vet be able to examine and possibly x-ray your dog when swelling is present.
Signs your dog may be sick: Excessive Itching
Constant scratching can be as irritating for a dog owner as the itch must be for the dog. A dog's itch may be caused by something as simple as a bug bite, allergic reaction, or nerves. On the other hand, excessive scratching may also indicate a more serious problem.
Excessive scratching can be a sign of fleas, mange, ticks, tapeworm, or ear mites. If a good bath and attention to hot spots or flea treatment does not stop your dog's scratching you should have the condition diagnosed by a vet.
Signs your dog may be sick: Twitching or Seizures
Twitching or seizures are a serious symptom of illness that should prompt you to take your dog to the vet immediately. Twitching or seizures can be a symptom of any number of illnesses or diseases. Rabies, distemper, hepatitis, and kidney disease can all cause seizures in a sick dog.
Signs your dog may be sick: Fever
Just as a fever indicates when you are sick, it is also an indicator that something is wrong with your dog. Detecting a fever in your dog is not as difficult as you may think. Generally a dog with a fever is lethargic and not as playful or responsive as usual. The dog's nose and behind their ears may feel warmer than usual.
Often, fevers are accompanied by other symptoms that make it apparent that your dog isn't feeling well. You can take your dog's fever using a rectal thermometer, but if you believe your dog has a fever it may be best to go ahead and seek the advice of your veterinarian.
Additional signs your dog may be sick
These are only a few of the indicators that your dog may be sick. If your dog exhibits behavior that is out of the ordinary, and there have been no changes in the home environment, it is best to have your dog checked by a veterinarian.
The illness may be something as simple as a cold or a more complex disease. In either case, your veterinarian will be able to diagnose your dog's sickness and help you, help nurse the dog back to health again.
Dog Medical Library;
Dog Symptom Sorter;
Guide to Dog Symptoms;
Top 20 Dog Diseases,

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats or horses.  Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy. Get fast relief for your dogs ears today from

10 Dog Diseases Common to All Dog Breeds

There are 10 infectious diseases in dogs, which can inflict any dog breed, at any age. Understanding these dangerous dog diseases will allow you to protect your furry friend from infection. Each dog disease is described below, focusing on the manner in which the infectious disease is transmitted from dog to dog and across dog breeds, as well as the options open to dog owners for preventing infection in their dog.

10 Dog Diseases : #1, GIARDIA
Giardia is a dog disease that causes diarrhea with abdominal pain and consequent weight loss and poor weight gain. This dog disease results from a water-born parasite, after whom the disease of Giardia is named. Giardia is ubiquitous in open water sources throughout North America, and your dog can become infected by simply drinking contaminated water, such as in a lake, pond, or stagnant pool. Monthly Heartworm prevention pills, which also prevent other intestinal parasites, will protect your dog against Giardia.
10 Dog Diseases: #2, DISTEMPER
Distemper is a viral dog disease which is extremely contagious. Affecting the respiratory system as well as the nervous system, this dog disease causes fever and fatigue, coughing, vomiting and diarrhea, and finally seizures. And if untreated Distemper can lead to death. Distemper can be prevented with vaccinations at your local vet.
10 Dog Diseases: #3, PARVO
Parvo (or Parvovirus) is one of the most contagious dog diseases around. Affecting the bowels, Parvo symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting so severe that they may lead to death. And though dogs of all ages may contract this disease, Parvo is most common, and most dangerous, in puppies. Typically Parvo is passed from one dog to another from contaminated feces. But this dog disease may also be carried on fur or paws, thereby contaminating the living space of the dog and any objects he comes in contact with. Vaccination can protect dogs from Parvo.
10 Dog Diseases: #4, CORONAVIRUS
Coronavirus is another viral diarrhea that can affect dogs of all ages, though puppies are most at risk and will suffer the worst symptoms, from diarrhea to vomiting and weight loss, accompanied by constant drinking. At times, a dog may be infected with both Parvo and Coronavirus, in which case his symptoms will be more severe and may lead to death. Vaccination can protect dogs from Coronavirus.
10 Dog Diseases: #5, HEPATITIS
As with humans, Hepatitis dog disease affects the liver. This contagious dog disease includes symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain. Furthermore, Hepatitis may lead to kidney damage. Once more, however, vaccination can protect dogs from Hepatitis.
10 Dog Diseases: #6, LYME DISEASE
Lyme disease is dangerous bacterial disease which can cause irreversible damage to a dog's health. Symptoms of Lyme disease include arthritis and lameness, sudden limping indicative of pain, fatigue and lack of willingness to play or even walk, depression and loss of appetite. If left untreated, Lyme disease will damage the heart, kidney and even the brain. Vaccination can protect dogs from Lyme disease.
10 Dog Diseases: #7, RABIES
Once the most dreaded dog disease, Rabies is a caused by a virus, which attacks the brain. Rabies is a deadly disease that will be contracted through a bite from a rabid wild animal, such as skunks or raccoons, as well as bats. Unlike some dog disease, rabies can be passed to humans as well through a bite, or even just a scratch. Vaccination will protect dogs from Rabies and is mandatory for dogs throughout North America.
10 Dog Diseases: #8, LEPTOSPIROSIS
Like Rabies, Leptospirosis is carried by wild animals, although this dog disease is caused by a bacteria. You dog can become infected by drinking contaminated water or by coming in contact with an infected animal. Symptoms of Leptospirosis include high fever and jaundice, accompanied by hemorrhaging which will manifest in bloodstained feces. Vaccination can protect dogs from Leptospirosis.
10 Dog Diseases: #9, KENNEL COUGH
Most dog owners knew this dog disease by the name of the organism that causes it: the Bordetella virus. However, several other organisms can cause this highly infectious dog disease, whose full name is Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB). Symptoms of kennel cough include severe coughing spells, which may lead to vomiting and gagging. Nasal discharge and watery eyes are also possible. Though this vaccines is not automatically given at your local vet, if your dog is likely to interact with other dogs in the park, vaccinating him against kennel cough is a very good idea.
10 Dog Diseases: #10, PARAINFLUENZA
Parainfluenza is another strain of Kennel cough. This respiratory infection in dogs is highly contagious and will lead to flu like symptoms. Once more, the name Kennel Cough may mislead dog owners into thinking that their dog is not at risk if he never stays at a kennel. However, Parainfluenza may be contracted by simply being around an infected dog, as in the park, the beach, or an off-leash dog park.
Fort Dodge Animal Health.


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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Diabetes in Dogs and Cats - Learn to Identify & Care For Pets with Diabetes

Diabetes is a terrible disease and it doesn't just affect humans.
Indeed, dogs and cats can and do get diabetes too.
Don't be afraid but do be aware and learn to be mindful of what needs to be done to care for diabetes in dogs or diabetes in cats should it happen to yours.

There are signs to watch for which could indicate your dog or cat might have diabetes.
You may notice that your dog or cat drinks a lot more water than usual.
They may urinate more frequently and  might vomit or have diarrhea.
Your cat may also have a change of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, or general weakness.
Your dog may have cataracts which will cause the eyes to look ill.
If your dog or cat displays such symptoms, your pet might have diabetes, and you should take him to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Your animal might have something else wrong with him and only your veterinarian can tell you for sure.

The types of diabetes in dogs and cats can vary and the treatment will depend upon the severity of the disease in the animal. Blood and urine tests which will be done by the veterinarian will determine if your pet does in fact have diabetes as well as the type of diabetes and then proper treatment can be determined.
Diabetes occurs more frequently in female dogs, than male dogs, and male cats, than female cats.
Diabetes in animals is similar to that in humans and some treatments will be too. Dogs with diabetes most often have a type that resembles that of Type I diabetes in humans, or Juvenile diabetes. Cats, on the other hand, often have a type of the disease that resembles Type II diabetes, which is linked to obesity in humans.
Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas. It affects the ability of the body to control sugar levels. The pancreas creates insulin, which keeps blood sugar levels balanced.
Glucose, the sugar in the body, is produced from the breaking down of starches and carbohydrates. Glucose is absorbed through the wall of the digestive tract and passes into the bloodstream.
Insulin allows glucose to leave your bloodstream and enter body tissue to be used as energy. A person or animal with diabetes has a body that either produces insufficient quantities of insulin or does not use insulin effectively. As a result, glucose builds up in the bloodstream, causing an elevated glucose level.
Risk factors for diabetes include obesity, an unhealthy diet, cortisone treatments, stress, shock, and even genetics can play a factor in the cause of diabetes.
The treatment for dogs or cats with diabetes includes regular insulin injections and a controlled diet. The diet needs to be high in fiber and comprehensive carbohydrates, to slow the digestive process and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Some people also believe that carefully chosen herbal remedies and supplements can help prevent diabetes in dogs and cats and keep the disease under control.
If you need to give insulin to your dog or cat with diabetes, you will need to know which type to use, how much to use, how often to give it, and when is best to feed your pet. Your veterinarian will show you how to handle the syringe, how to use it, how to draw insulin from the bottle in the correct amount, and how to actually give the shot. You might practice giving a shot to a piece of fruit before you give it to your pet. Heavy exercise can also reduce the amount of insulin your pet might need.
You should stay calm with you give your pet an injection of insulin. If you are not nervous, your pet is less likely to be nervous. Massage your dog or cat before giving him an injection to control his diabetes. Hold the syringe with insulin between your fingers for a few minutes to warm it before giving a shot, but never warm it in a microwave oven. Show the pet a treat before the injection and give the treat immediately after an injection.
You can test the glucose level in your dog or cat's urine by using a test strip. Your veterinarian might suggest the testing.
If you learn you have a diabetic pet, talk with your veterinarian about diet, insulin shots, exercise for your animal, and the possibility of herbal treatment.
You need not be afraid if you learn your pet has diabetes. A cat or dog with the disease can be just as good a pet as one that does not have the disease. Experts say your dog or cat should not have a significantly shorter life if he has diabetes, than if he does not. Have your pet wear a Diabetic identification card. Keep a journal regarding the treatment of your pet and his reaction to the treatment. Never leave home with your pet without sugar or a liquid form of sugar, such as honey or Karo syrup.
If you do find out you have a diabetic pet, don't worry.
Your pet can have a long and happy life, just as a human with the disease can.
Your animal just might require a little more care.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Avoid These Foods - They Can Kill Dogs

Avoid These Foods That Can Kill Your Dog!

Some foods are very toxic to dogs and can cause severe illness, even death. 
Here's a handy list of common foods dogs shouldn't eat, even in small amounts some can be fatal to dogs.  Keep your dog in good health, avoid these foods that are poison to dogs.
Grapes and Raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raisins can kill a dog.
Onions: Onions destroy red blood cells and can cause anemia.
Chocolate: Chocolate can cause seizures, coma and death. Baker’s chocolate is the most dangerous. A dog can consume milk chocolate and appear to be fine because it is not as concentrated, but it is still dangerous.
Coffee, Coffee grounds, tea and tea bags: Drinks/foods containing caffeine cause many of the same symptoms chocolate causes
Macadamia Nuts and Walnuts: Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, muscle tremor and paralysis. Limit all other nuts as they are not good for dogs in general, their high phosphorous content is said to possibly lead to bladder stones. Exception to this rule seems to be PEANUT BUTTER. However- always use Salt/Sugar free ORGANIC Peanut butter (sugar encourages cancer growth) free . Use only ORGANIC peanut butter as regular peanut butter has lots of toxins and is full of pesticides!
Animal fat and fried foods: Excessive fat can cause pancreatitis.
Bones: Cooked bones can splinter and damage a dog’s internal organs. Raw Bone should always be supervised as a piece can always break off and cause problems. Try frozen oxtails or frozen knuckle bones then take the bone away before the dog can swallow a final small piece whole. It’s a good natural way to clean teeth too.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias. Tomato plants and the most toxic, but tomatoes themselves are also unsafe.
Avocados: The fruit, pit and plant are all toxic. They can cause difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart.
Nutmeg: Nutmeg can cause tremors, seizures and death
Apples, Cherries, Peaches PITS and similar fruit are great for your dog – HOWEVER, the seeds of these fruits contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs as well as humans. Unlike humans, dogs do not know to stop eating at the core/pit and easily ingest them. It can also become lodged in the intestines and kill the dog in 24 hours with no warning.
Raw eggs: Raw eggs can cause salmonella poisoning in dogs. Dogs have a shorter digestive tract than humans and are not as likely to suffer from food poisoning, but it is still possible. BEST to use ORGANIC EGGS if you do raw. Scrambled lightly is best!
Salt: Excessive salt intake can cause kidney problems.
Mushrooms: Can be deadly- never let your pets chew on mushrooms found in your yard. Only safe “food” mushrooms are shitaki, maitake and reishi.
Xylitol: even a small amount can cause liver failure and death. Read more at here and in this article at
Sugar and Corn Syrups. EVEN ORGANIC IS BAD! (this does not include Honey or Molasses though they should only be in small amounts and never for cancer dogs)

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Natural Pain Relief For Ear Aches In Dogs Get Immediate Relief

When the dogs ears are aching, they whine and cry and it's heartbreaking for any pet owner. You want them to have immediate pain relief for ear aches but sometimes it's just not possible to get them into a local veterinarians office for treatment of ear problems they're experiencing. For whatever reason, if you find your dogs ears are hurting and you want to do something right away, here's a trick that can help to make the ears less painful temporarily. It should be said again that this method will relieve pain temporarily, it's not a cure for ear infections or ear maladies, just something you can do to relieve dogs ears when they're aching until you get do something to remedy the problem.

Take a whole onion, yellow or white, leave the skin on and cut it in half. Now take one half of the onion and warm it up. You can put it in the microwave for about one minute and that should be enough. You want the onion to get a little soft and for the juices to start coming to the surface. If you don't have a microwave you can warm the onion in a pan on the stove, don't add water or oil, just put the onion in the pan and warm it til the juices start to bubble up on the top. Now that the onion is nice and juicy, place a paper towel or clean thin washcloth over the top of the cut side of the onion. Make sure it's not too hot but you do want it quite warm. Get your dog to lay down and then sit beside the dog and hold the onion over the ear that is aching. Keep the cut side toward the ear opening, folding ear flaps back for floppy eared dogs and hold the onion in place for several minutes and repeat this every few hours as needed to render immediate pain relief for an ear ache in dogs ears.

Onions have a drawing power to them and the warmed onion will draw the pain from the dogs ears. They are well known for relieving even a most severe earache within minutes and this holistic approach to relief of ear ache pain has been used for hundreds of years. It's an earache remedy that most people are likely to have right in their kitchens and can help relieve ear aches naturally.

Now that you have temporary relief for the dogs ears you should get a regular dog ear treatment to follow up with. Using natural ear treatment can do wonders and keeps the dogs ears safe from harmful chemicals and pesticides. Try something like Dr Dogs Ear Oil to keep ear problems from flaring up, it's fast, safe and effective relief for sore ears. Many dogs suffer from recurring ear problems, this natural ear ache remedy will help soothe the ears and keep them free of painful sore ears.


Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats or horses. Remedies ear problems in dogs ears once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural ear remedy. Get fast relief for your pets ears today from

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pet Grooming Tips A-Z Best Methods For Pet Care

Trimming of Nails
Nails of all the pets should be regularly trimmed and especially of cats as they have a scratching habit. When trimming the nails, be careful not to cut them too short and cause bleeding. Cut the nails until you see a dark circle appearing in the center of the nail. This is the edge of the quick or blood vessel in the nail bed.

Prior to bathing and clipping, the pets need to be brushed out to make sure there are no knots in the furnishings. Knots are big problem in cats and dogs and more so in longhaired cats. Brush the beard, legs and underskirt to make sure there are no knots using the Pin Brush. Brush upward (against the natural lay of the hair) starting at the top of the leg and proceed downward as you are brushing.

Pets need to be bathed from time to time. But frequency of bathing of each pet varies. For example, cats need to be bathed not more than once a month. While bathing make sure that the temperature of the water is not too hot. Be careful not to get water and shampoo in the ears, eyes and mouth when bathing the pet. Put cotton balls in the pet's ears to help prevent water from getting in the ear canal.

While towel drying the legs and beard, don't rub but squeeze out the excess water to help prevent tangling the furnishings. You can also use a drier. Brush the beard and eyebrows down. Brush the legs up, starting with the pin brush and moving to the slicker brush when the leg is almost dry. Slicker brushes tend to rip out hair when used on a wet leg.

Some important things to remember while grooming your pet:
  • Never punish the pet for not responding to the grooming schedule. Animals like to be left alone and are not very comfortable when someone touches them. Hence, in the beginning they don't respond positively to the grooming routine.
  • Never let your pet mistake grooming tools as toys. Don't let it play with brush or clippers because otherwise pet will start treating grooming session as play time.
  • Never hit your pet with a grooming tool else pet will start associating grooming tool with punishment and will try to avoid grooming session.
  • Start grooming from an early age. That way pet will get use to grooming easily.

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats, birds, horses and in pets of all kinds Remedies ear problems in dogs ears and other furry friends once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy. Get fast relief today from

Pet Health Problems

A healthy pet makes a good companion. But you really need to take good care of your pet to keep it in good condition. In spite of all your efforts, the pet may fall ill. It may contact a deadly disease. The key to a healthy pet lies in taking all the precautions so that it does not fall ill and more importantly recognizing the symptoms of diseases, which if left ignored may turn out to be fatal.

Some of the symptoms that indicate an onslaught of a deadly disease are:
  • Abnormal discharges from the nose, eyes, or other body openings.
  • Loss of appetite, marked weight losses or gains, or excessive water consumption.
  • Difficult, abnormal, or uncontrolled waste elimination.
  • Abnormal behavior, sudden viciousness, or lethargy.
  • Abnormal lumps, limping, or difficulty getting up or lying down.
  • Excessive head shaking, scratching, and licking or biting any part of the body.
  • Dandruff, loss of hair, open sores, and a ragged or dull coat. Foul breath or excessive tarter deposits on teeth.
Cancer is very common in pets and accounts for almost half of the deaths of pets over 10 years of age. The cause of most of the cancers is not known and hence its prevention is difficult. Breast cancer can be prevented with early spaying.

Symptoms of Cancer in Pets
  • Abnormal swellings that persist or continue to grow
  • Sores that do not heal
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bleeding or discharge from any body opening
  • Offensive odor
  • Difficulty eating or swallowing
  • Hesitance to exercise or loss of stamina
  • Persistent lameness or stiffness
  • Difficulty breathing, urinating, or defecating
  • An early detection of cancer is paramount in its treatment.
Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. The virus is usually transmitted by a bite from a rabid animal. Only mammals get rabies. Birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians do not. Prompt and appropriate treatment, after being bitten and before the disease develops, can stop the infection and prevent the disease in people.

Prevention/Treatment of Rabies
  • Get your pet vaccinated against all the deadly diseases including rabies.
  • Don't let your pets roam freely. Keep them indoors.
  • If a pet has been bitten by another animal contact a veterinarian immediately.
  • If pets that have been vaccinated against rabies are bitten by another animal, they should be revaccinated immediately, kept under the owner's control, and observed for period of 45 days.
  • If unvaccinated pets are bitten, the pet may have to be euthanized immediately. Alternatively, the animal should be checked and immediately placed in strict isolation for 6 months and vaccinated 1 month before being released.
Ear mites
They are common in dogs and cats. These mites spend most of their life in the ears. Often an animal can be severely infested with the pests before there is any outward sign of their presence. If ignored it is followed by a bacterial infection that can spread deep into the ear and eventually penetrate the brain causing convulsions and death.

For prevention, get your pet's ears regularly examined by a veterinarian. Get rid of ear mites naturally with over the counter medications. Choose natural remedies when possible and avoid harmful side-effects from chemicals and pesticides.

Get your pet spayed or neutered. Spaying your female pet (cat or dog) can help to prevent cancers of the reproductive tract, including breast cancer, and will decrease the incidence of reproductive infections. Neutering your male pet will prevent testicular cancer and can decrease the incidence of prostate problems. Certain behavioral problems are also reduced when the pets are spayed or neutered.

Dental Care
Pets need good oral care. Remove plaque regularly from your pet's teeth as part of the dental care routine. Regular dental checkups by an experienced veterinarian are also essential. Bad breath could be a sign of impending dental disease such as gingivitis. Dog breeds, such as Pekingese and Shihtzu are more prone to dental diseases because their teeth are crowded into small mouths and this creates a haven for plaque buildup. Some signs of a tooth decay are: bad breath, a yellow brown crust of tartar around the gumline, pain or bleeding from the gums.

Like us pets can be prevented from diseases by vaccination. They should be vaccinated to protect them from many highly contagious and deadly diseases

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats, horses, birds and in pets of all kinds. Remedies ear problems in dogs ears once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy to control ear infections or get rid of ear mites in pets. Get fast relief today from

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pet Care Tips For Best Pet Health and Well Being

Once you have a pet you need to take full care of it. Such care is very essential for pet's well being and your own peace of mind.
  • Pet's diet is very important. It should contain all the necessary ingredients required by the pet. Some pets such as cats are carnivorous and hence they require some animal-source ingredients, such as meat, poultry, or fish, in their diets.
  • Keep aside some time every day for your pet. Your pet requires your attention and affection and this is very essential for between you and the pet.
  • Supervise the new pet diligently through undivided individual attention
  • and training, and restrict the pet's access to a limited area of the house
  • until training is complete.
  • A pet is an animal. It has to be trained for the desired behavior. Training requires constant and persistent effort on your part.
  • Promote good sanitation behavior in pets. Keep the area where they litter clean.
  • Get your pet vaccinated against the deadly diseases. Also regularly get it examined by a veterinarian to ensure his good health.
  • Never punish a pet if it indulges in bad behavior. This may lead to fear biting or aggression. Instead, correct bad behavior by providing positive alternatives such as scratching post for sofa in case of cat.
  • It is advisable to have the pet spayed or neutered. It helps in control of unwanted off springs and minimizes the risk of behavioral and health problems associated with sexually intact animals.
  • If in an emergency situation you have to give first aid to the pet take care to protect yourself. A sick or injured animal is often in a frightened state and may attack you. Cats can be handled with gloves or wrapped in a blanket; a dog can be muzzled.
  • Pets can get poisoned. Poisoning maybe due to snake bite, a poisonous plant, pesticides, fertilizers, acids, paints etc. In case of poisoning - Keep the pet warm and quiet; Determine what the poison was, when it was ingested and the amount swallowed; Take the pet immediately to a veterinarian.
  • Keep dangerous objects like pins, needles, blades, fish-hooks etc out of the reach of the pets.
  • Be well aware of your pet's normal behavior, so that you can recognize what's not normal.

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats, horses, birds and in pets of all kinds Remedies ear problems in dogs ears or other furry friends once and for all. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy. Get fast relief for your dogs ears today from