Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ear Drops for Dogs Ear Ache Pain From Ear Infection or Ear Mites

Sometimes dogs ears ache, they are sore, red, inflamed and in need of dog ear medicine to help ease their suffering. Whether they suffer from common ear yeast infection or ear mites, getting an effective dog ear treatment will be top priority.

Ear drops for dogs are available by visiting your veterinarian's office for prescription dog ear medications. Many people also choose dog ear drops which are formulated with natural ingredients. Particularly if the dog has other health problems, diabetic dogs, pregnant dogs, lactating dogs, dogs with cancer may all benefit from the use of natural ear drops.
Having no chemicals, natural ear drops will help to avoid negative side effects in all dogs.

There are several over the counter ear drops for dogs available, however, not all are natural formulas.
Some do have chemicals and additives in them so care should be taken when shopping over the counter dog ear medicines. One that is all natural without chemicals and offers immediate pain relief, reduces swelling as well as antibiotics to fight infection is Dr Dogs Ear Oil. It is one of the few that is safe for use in all animals.

If the dogs ears are itching, scratching at the ears can only make things worse. Leaving dogs ears unattended will lead to bigger problems so if you notice signs of ear problems in your dog you'll want to do something about it rather quickly. Too much head shaking can cause veins in the ear to burst, this will result in a hematoma which can require surgery and will be expensive as well as painful healing process for the dog.
Broken blood vessels cause swelling to the dogs ears, you may notice a big bump on the external ear which is filled with fluid. A veterinarian will have to surgically open it, drain it and stitch it. Then the dog has to wear a head cone for a couple of months while it heals. If you don't get surgery on the dogs ear, the hematoma can get bigger and completely close the dogs ears. Left untreated, it will cause "cauliflower" ear....this will result in deformation of the dogs ear and it won't stand up or look right ever again.

The easiest thing to do is to get started by using safe ear drops for dogs at the first sign of ear problems. Avoid further difficulties by giving dog ear treatment right away, dog ear problems don't go away without your help.

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in dogs, cats or horses with Dr Dogs Ear Oil.
 Low cost all natural ear drops for dogs and other animals. 
Get fast relief when dogs ears are aching  today