Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cat Ear Infections - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Cats Ear Problems

So your cats ears are sore, red and tender to the touch. The cat is probably scratching at its ears and causing even more problems with that action. Scratching at the already sore ears can lead to open wounds and big sores on the cats ears so it's important to take quick action and provide relief when cat ear problems are present. Cat ear infections are something that needs your attention.

Causes of cat ear infections:  The most common causes of ear infections in cats is usually due to ear mites or the presence of ear yeast. Cat ear mites are a frequent problem, especially in cats that go outdoors on a regular basis. They pick up the ear mites, mites leave their debris in the ear and it builds up causing the cats ears to become infected. Ear mites also bite at the cats ears which makes them very red and sore.
Ear yeast often thrives deep within the ears and from time to time it will flare up and cause ear aches and painful ear symptoms which need treatment.
Ear mites and ear yeast infections in cats ears doesn't go away without treatment so if your cats ears are sore and aching you'll need to do something to help them and the sooner the better as the ear problems only get worse if you don't, they aren't going to get better without your help.

Symptoms of cat ear infections: It's usually very easy to see when the cats ears are having problems, Scratching at the ears, waxy buildup in the ears are signs of trouble and there may be some discharge from the ears too. If ear mites are the cause you can usually see debris that looks like black coffee grounds in the ear. You may also notice visible red spots where the mites have bitten into the ear. When the cats ears are infected the ears may also smell bad and sometimes it's the odor that gets your attention first but more often than not, it will be the continuous scratching at the ears or you'll notice the cat keeps shaking it's head and rubbing ears on whatever it can.

Treatment for Cat Ear Problems:  Getting treatment for cat ear infections or cat ear mites is very important. Cat's ears are very delicate and different from other animals. The ears are very sensitive inside and cats absorb medicines differently than other animals. For this reason, never give a cat medicines that are not specifically intended to be used by cats.
Some over the counter ear mite treatments are not intended to be used on cats so be sure when treating cat ear mites that the remedy you choose is suitable for cats ears. There have been many cases of serious side effects from people giving cats medicines that were not intended for or safe for use with cats. 
Treating cat ear mites can be done effectively and safely with some over the counter ear medicines or visit your veterinarian's office for prescription ear medications. When treating ear mites in cats it is necessary to get rid of the ear mites already present in the cats ears and then follow up after a couple of weeks when the eggs hatch to kill the new batch. No medication is able to kill the unhatched eggs so it is necessary to do the follow up treatments for ear mites in cats about two weeks after the initial treatment is given.
For treating common ear yeast infection in cats an antibiotic will be needed. Choose natural medication and ear treatment for mild infections or visit your veterinarian for prescription antibiotics if the infection is in advanced stages. Over the counter remedies like Dr Dogs Ear Oil will get rid of mild ear yeast infections and also treats ear mites effectively and safely. It is one of the few OTC ear drops that will help heal open sores and is safe for use in cats and other animals too. This is important because if you have other animals in the home and the cat has ear mites, ALL the other animals will need to be treated because ear mites transfer from one animal to the next. If you don't treat all the animals you won't get rid of the ear mites and you'll find yourself in a vicious circle.

No one wants to see their precious feline suffering the symptoms of sore ears. When the cats ears are sore they are miserable. They might not even want to eat as ear infections and ear problems can make eating painful too. DO get treatment and help heal sore ears right away, the situation will only get worse if you don't.

Control and prevent symptoms of ear infections in cats, dogs, birds, cows, horses and other animals. Find out more about this powerful all natural remedy for ear mites and common ear yeast infections.  Fast relief and effective treatment for cats ear infection and ear aches. Soothe sore ears safely and inexpensively visit  http://drdogs247.com